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APQC training is an efficient and cost-effective way to learn the tools and techniques needed to improve your individual and organizational capabilities and performance.

  • Based on APQC's best practice research and proven methodologies
  • Relevant to individuals and teams charged with process and performance improvement, knowledge sharing and retention, quality programs, or change management
  • Delivered by improvement professionals with consulting and subject matter expertise
  • IACET Accredited*
  • Designed for immediate ROI

*APQC offers .4 CEUs for each half-day workshop and .8 CEUs for each full-day learning lab that complies with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. There are no CEUs offered for the Master Class. 

Choose from two formats offered during the week of the conference - learning labs and workshops.

Training courses are priced individually separate from the conference fee. You may elect to attend training only, training and the conference, or conference only. A maximum of one full day or up to two half day (one AM and/or one PM) items may be chosen per day. 

If a training is sold out, contact to be placed on a waitlist.


Our learning labs are simulations focusing on applying new knowledge to real-life scenarios and getting smarter and better at things with practice. Engaging with other participants, you will perform multiple rounds of work effort increasing in complexity while adapting and improving along the way.



Our learning labs are simulations focusing on applying new knowledge to real-life scenarios and getting smarter and better at things with practice. Engaging with other participants, you will perform multiple rounds of work effort increasing in complexity while adapting and improving along the way.


The learning labs start with a typical current state and progressively introduce and apply core and leading practices. Unexpected challenges and changes will be introduced throughout the sessions to simulate what we often see in our own organizations. Throughout the experience, hints and tips from facilitators and your groups will support better teamwork, alignment, and effective application of principles that have been proven by best practice organizations.

Building a High-Powered KM Strategy

Find success in defining, refining, and aligning a KM strategy that is right sized to the business.  
This course will focus on the process steps required to develop, align, and execute a KM strategic plan.  
Participants will simulate being part of a diverse KM team that represents the competing needs, perspectives, and focus areas that are typical in many organizations. Through a series of iterative working sessions, the team will learn to align, coordinate, and rally around a common KM strategy that will chart a course to focused and value-producing change.  Working together, the team will produce a KM strategy that has shared ownership and can be implemented across the organization.  
Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to:  
-uncover common and less common goals and needs across diverse stakeholders and teams,  
-develop a KM strategy that directly addresses shared needs, and  
-gain buy-in and drive collaboration for putting the strategy into action.  

Offered Monday, April 29, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Leveraging Process Management Best Practices

Establishing and maturing process management aligns the workforce and allows better collaboration and shared improvement.   

This course is organized around APQC’s Seven Tenets of Process ManagementSM and characteristics of high-performing, best-practice process-managed organizations. Participants will learn about each of the seven tenets and how they work together to build a strong process management approach.   
Participants will be assigned a role and guided through multiple team-based working sessions that emulate several months of real work. Through a balanced introduction of APQC’s seven tenets of process management, the collective team will organize, standardize, and apply increasing process capabilities with demonstrable performance improvement.  
Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to:  
-establish basic process management governance,  
-balance process strategies, goals, and improvements across a diverse organization, and  
-identify and improve process management in alignment with business outcomes.

Offered Monday, April 29, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Transferring Critical Knowledge 

Capturing critical knowledge and making it available when and where it’s needed is at the core of the KM value proposition. But before an organization can connect employees to key knowledge assets, it must identify those assets.

This course will give participants tools to understand what knowledge is truly critical to their organizations and determine the most urgent priorities for capture and transfer. It will include an overview of established best practices and examples from leading organizations.

Participants will simulate an organization where employees struggle to find, transfer, and apply knowledge. A lack of expertise location tools, limited expert capacity, and poor coordination of common knowledge capture and transfer approaches will prove challenging as you attempt to execute routine tasks. Through the introduction of focused knowledge improvement sessions, participants will learn how to identify critical knowledge, reveal gaps, and better coordinate and align KM practices to enable a more continuous flow of critical content and expertise.

Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to: 

-evaluate and prioritize knowledge transfer challenges to drive more effective KM,  
-scale knowledge transfer activities to support a more diverse set of organizational needs, and 
-sustain progress as part of a larger improvement journey.

Offered Monday, April 29, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Applying Process Frameworks

Reveal the power of process frameworks to align and improve business performance.  
This course introduces participants to process frameworks such as APQC’s Process Classification Framework (PCF)®. The structure, core principles, and use of frameworks will be studied with examples from real organizations. The necessary skills to select, design, and apply process frameworks for a myriad of value-driven purposes will also be discussed.  
To model the diversity of a typical organization across the value chain, participants will be assigned one of numerous possible positions. As participants simulate getting end-to-end work completed, an initial lack of structure and alignment will prove challenging.  Through the introduction of process framework principles to end-to-end workflows across multiple improvement cycles, participants will learn how best practices create alignment, improve collaboration, and achieve stronger performance across the entire value chain.  
Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to:  
-select and introduce a framework across the value chain,  
-connect process governance and business governance,  and
-improve end-to-end flow using visibility and standardization. 

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Embedding Knowledge in the Flow of Work

KM practices make the most impact when they are embedded into how work gets done.
This course will focus on how to use principles of process design and analysis to help knowledge flow across the enterprise. A knowledge management governance focused on processes and roles will be introduced and used to support interactive exercises. 
While we can aid the transfer and application of better knowledge practices through training and other above-the-flow activities, people are more likely to embrace and apply practices that are part of how work is defined and managed. Participants will step into a typical workplace environment to confront challenges like finding and reusing knowledge and see how these challenges impact performance and morale. Working with KM experts, the team will identify critical knowledge needs and redesign the workflow such that knowledge is captured and transferred while the work is being performed.

Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to:

-identify critical knowledge,
-align and embed knowledge practices within business processes, and
-support knowledge engagement and enable change at the line employee level.

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Prioritizing & Implementing Process Improvement

Team-based process improvement practices have a transformative impact on operational performance. 
This course will focus on how to identify, prioritize, and select the “right” improvement opportunities. It is not simply a matter of fixing what “is broken,” but rather understanding what the business needs are, then developing solutions that will make a significant impact.  
Participants will step into the operational roles of a high-volume transactional service industry and work together to get the job done. While simulating ever-increasing performance requirements, limited resources, and typical constraints on change, each iteration will allow for team-based improvements that demonstrate the power of working together to find common solutions that benefit the whole. 
Participants will leave the learning lab with greater understanding of how to: 

-organize and align across processes, 
-adapt to changing requirements and constraints, and
-harness the improvement power of the team through engagement and coordinated change. 

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .8 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard



Workshops follow a traditional structure of presenting concepts designed to introduce and improve best practices for essential process and knowledge management skills. Group discussions and exercises enhance the basic skills and learning and show participants how to put practices into action.  A workbook of tools and basic templates extends application directly to the real-world.

Introduction to Knowledge Management

Knowledge is necessary to get work done and it exists in many forms. This course clarifies what knowledge is, how it is related to data and information, and the common techniques used to gain control of knowledge. Participants will be introduced to approaches that can be used to improve knowledge capture, transfer, and reuse.

Learning Objectives: 

-Compare the differences between knowledge and knowledge management
-Understand why organizations leverage knowledge management
-Identify the common knowledge management objectives

Offered Monday, April 29, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Introduction to Process

This course introduces the concepts, terminology, skills, and techniques that allow us to get control of the work we do in our organizations. Understanding that work only gets done through process, how we design, document, manage, and support processes over time is stronger when we apply proven process and process management practices. 

Learning Objectives:

-Understand the basics of any process and why it is important to define, manage, and improve them 
-Learn about the process lifecycle and how it relates to managing and improving processes
-Learn about process controls and improvement practices

Offered Monday, April 29, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard


Governance Essentials for Process & Knowledge Management

This course will discuss the foundational principles for effective governance that can be applied in both process management and knowledge management. There is no single model that fits all, but there are core concepts and approaches that can be applied to establish, support, and sustain effective governance practices. Both the commonalities and differences for process management and knowledge management will be covered with real examples to illustrate some of the proven approaches of mature organizations.

Learning Objectives:

-Understand core goverance principles, approaches, and structures
-Identify alternate approaches for governance and the pros and cons of each
-Understand how to design, implement, and mature governance practices to fit the needs of the organization

Offered Monday, April 29, 1:00 - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard


Managing Change

Change happens. Our ability to understand, plan for, and support change are often critical success factors to achieving and sustaining expected outcomes. This course will connect the science of change management to the art of applying it effectively within our organizations.

Learning Objectives: 

-Understand how change management principles support all levels of change, from large transformations to continuous improvement
-Learn how to apply change management practices to plan, coordinate, support change, and
-Learn to engage and enable people across the life cycle of improvement and transformation, and beyond.

Offered Monday, April 29, 1:00 - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard


Integrating Process and Knowledge

When we integrate the concepts of process and knowledge together, we magnify the impact and effectiveness from our improvement efforts within our organizations. This course illustrates the overlap and alignment of process and knowledge techniques, shows how knowledge and process workers can leverage the cross-over skills and working together, and how sustainable change within organizations can only be achieved with both. 

Learning Objectives:

-Leave the course with a framework for how to connect process and knowledge
-Undertstand how to align process and knowledge to common, high-value improvements within your organizations

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard


Establishing Effective Measures & Analytics

Establishing a measurement system and approach gives organizations a structure for consistent and effective measurement. However, measurement essentials focus on how to identify, define, collect and report measures that make a difference. This workshop presents measurement essentials learned through APQC's research and hands on work with organizations. The session will include strategies for securing organizational buy-in and trust for selected measures. 

Learning Objectives:

-Leave with the ability to define and align common data and analytics terms and explain measurement principles and proven practices
-Learn to describe analytics and common techniques and how to use them
-Understand the power of benchmarking and its various forms
-Learn how to determine, select, and evaluate performance measures
-Design, analyze, and report performance metrics

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Knowledge Elicitation

The ability to identify and capture knowledge in a form that enables effective reuse is often challenging. Practitioners and experts hold much of that knowledge in their heads, or the knowledge is embedded in other forms of content such as emails and documents. In this course, participants will approaches used to extract, filter, and document knowledge.

Learning Objectives:

-Understand where and how knowledge gets lost
-Learn techniques to plan and perform knowledge elicitation
-Understand how to determine the best form to capture and share the resulting knowledge

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 1:00 - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard

Role Analysis (RACI)

In this course, participants will learn the power of RACI charting, one of the more popular techniques used for role-based analysis, to clarify roles and responsibilities within teams and processes. Real-life examples will be used to highlight the approach, variations, and tips and tricks for applying it for real value.

Learning Objectives:

-Understand how role analysis fits into process design and improvement 
-Learn best practices for defining and enabling process roles
-Learn how to create and use a RACI chart 
-Identify alternative approaches and uses


Offered Tuesday, April 30, 1:00 - 5:00 PM

How to Achieve Process Excellence with SAP Signavio & APQC 

In this highly interactive course, participants will learn about foundational business process management principles including the critical importance of the end-to-end process perspective, best practices, a sound governance model and the utilization of process frameworks and metrics. 

Through demonstrations and hands-on exercises, participants will have a first-hand opportunity to experience how these foundational principles come to life through technology provided by the SAP Signavio process transformation suite. 

At the end of the session, participants will hear about important trends and expectations for the future of process including technology, challenges, and how to engage your organization in process.

*NOTE: A laptop is required on-site for learning a technology solution. We encourage you to bring your own to the workshop. Please contact if you will need a loaner. 

Learning Objectives: 

-Understand foundational process principles including frameworks, governance, measurement, and end-to-end processes  
-Learn best practices to implement these foundational process principles 
-Understand key challenges associated with the implementation of these principles and ways to mitigate them.  
-Discover how SAP Signavio leverages their technologies to apply the principles and best practices to achieve process excellence
-Discuss evolving and advanced process needs, opportunities and trends and how to prepare

Offered Tuesday, April 30, 1:00 - 5:00 PM

APQC offers .4 CEUs for this course that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard



APQC is an accredited IACET provider, giving you the ability to earn CEUs by participating in learning lab and workshops. APQC was awarded the prestigious Accredited Provider accreditation. IACET Accredited Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Our accreditation is a demonstration of our commitment to quality adult education and high standards for all of our programs.

APQC (American Productivity & Quality Center) is the world’s foremost authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management (KM). With more than 1,000 member organizations worldwide, APQC provides the information, data, and insights organizations need to support decision-making and develop internal skills.


Learn more.